VEU can support minimum standards for rental homes and rooming houses, 4 June 2024
The VEU program is well placed to support the Victorian government’s proposed minimum standards for rental homes and rooming houses announced yesterday with consultation now under way.
“This proposal is a major step that will open the door currently jammed for renters and vulnerable Victorians that live in very energy inefficient properties where landlords currently have no stick or carrot to improve conditions,” said Energy Savings Industry Association (ESIA) President Mr Rod Woolley.
“We commend the Victorian Minister for Energy and Resources, Climate Action and the State Electricity Commission, The Hon Lily D’Ambrosio MP for addressing yet another tough area in the energy efficiency and electrification space.
“The VEU is well placed to support landlords with upfront financial incentives that will make upgrading their investment properties more affordable in a tough economic environment.
The ESIA has been advocating for mandatory disclosure of energy efficiency for homes at the point of sale and rental. This current minimum standards consultation will be an essential cornerstone for building a framework for an energy rating system for homes. It will drill into specific requirements such as minimum efficiency equipment installations for hot water systems, heating and cooling, draught proofing and shower heads.
“We see that ceiling insulation is also a proposed minimum requirement and look forward to continued engagement with the Victorian government to consulting on introducing financial incentives to support this activity under the VEU.
ESIA members are working with energy customers to navigate VEU incentives and other rebates to maximise upfront discounts so more homes and businesses can electrify sooner. Upgrade decisions can be complex. Victorian government approved VEU accredited providers (APs) and approved product providers are leading the way in innovation and commercially viable rollout at scale across Victoria.
… Ends Media contact: Jessica Lynch, M 0417 539 377,
References: Vic government public consultation announced on 3 June 2024:
(PDF ESIA Media Release)