Yellow Door Consulting

Associate Member

Yellow Door Consulting offers expert regulatory, compliance, training and auditing services to energy efficiency and renewable energy industry participants across Australia, including but not limited to:

  • identifying and commercialising new opportunities in the four state-based energy savings schemes (especially the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target and the NSW Energy Savings Scheme;
  • assisting scheme participants to obtain activity and product accreditations from the Vic and NSW scheme administrators (ESC and IPART);
  • preparing and managing complex energy efficiency projects especially Measurement & Verification in the VEU and ESS, and preparing complex tenders for major energy efficiency and renewable energy projects;
  • resolving difficult compliance issues experienced by scheme participants especially in Vic, NSW and SA;
  • assisting companies to obtain standards certifications, eg ISO 9001 Quality, ISO 45001 Safety (formerly AS/NZS 4801) and ISO 14001 Environmental;
  • providing professional audit services in the Vic, NSW and SA schemes; and
  • advocating to governments on behalf of the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries.

The ESIA representative Rod Woolley, Chairman of Cyanergy. Rod is an ESIA Board Member and President.

M +61 481 147 148

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