ESIA Advocacy

ESIA Advocacy

Time to join the dots NOW - for ALL Australian Governments

Energy efficiency is recognised as the lowest cost way to reduce customer bills and greenhouse gas emissions and provides other key benefits including reduced energy demand and downward pressure on wholesale and retail energy pricing.

Due to well documented barriers, there has been an under-investment in energy efficiency in Australia. Australia's world-leading energy savings schemes are currently the biggest drivers of energy efficiency uptake and for delivering lowest cost greenhouse gas abatement.

The ESIA advocates that all Australians should have access to market-based energy efficiency schemes as soon as possible. These schemes provide the ideal plank to achieve harmonisation of policy measures and programs for all governments in Australia. The schemes will greatly enhance the nation's ability to deliver across measurable energy, environment and climate change portfolio goals.

The ESIA advocates for the growth of these schemes across Australia:

* for an increase in their targets;
* their extension beyond current end dates;
* for an increase in the range of energy saving activities that attract upfront financial incentives; and
* introduction in jurisdictions without schemes.

Activities include those applicable to residential and small and large commercial and industrial sites, for example: lighting, hot water, air conditioning, building weather ceiling, low flow shower roses and tailored equipment upgrades.

For a basic guide and update on energy savings schemes in Australia, please read ESIA White Paper: Setting Ambitious Targets for energy savings schemes Australia-wide 2019-2030 and EECCA Energy Savings Schemes Industry Report 2016-17 & Members Directory, and refer to the latest ESIA publications including submissions.

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