Shell Energy
Corporate Member
Shell Energy is an Accredited Certificate Provider under the New South Wales Energy Savings Scheme, an Accredited Person under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target, and a Project Proponent under the Commonwealth Emissions Reduction Fund.
Shell Energy works on energy management solutions with Australia’s top 300 energy users that spend $2 million plus, per annum, on energy. Shell Energy provides the largest range of certificates by project type including: HVAC/chiller upgrades; lighting; refrigeration; VSDs, fans and motors; IT and Data Centre Management; transformer upgrades or replacements; water and waste water projects, compressed air optimisation and leak repair programs; and whole site improvements using a metered baseline approach.
Shell Energy is a Corporate Member of the Energy Efficiency Council.
NSW: Tel 02 8094 1742, Level 9, 201 Miller Street North Sydney NSW 2060
VIC: Tel 03 9214 9333, Level 12, 360 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
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The ESIA representative is Charles Luo, Engineering Team Leader.