ESIA Submission: CCA Consultation 2024 Issues Paper: Targets, pathways and progress

The ESIA’s major recommendation is that a national energy savings scheme (NESS) should be considered as the Climate Change Authority has recommended in the past.

A NESS is especially needed given there is no national mechanism to support energy efficiency except for the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) which is not committed currently beyond 2030. The SRES currently supports hot water heat pumps.

The ESIA is advocating that as no NESS is committed, an SRES extension is urgently needed beyond 2030 as well as expansion to include air conditioning also at least, as well as solar and batteries.

While the Capacity investment Scheme (CIT) supports large-scale in place of the Large-scale Renewable Energy Target (LRET) which it was recently announced will finish in 2030, without a NESS introduction or SRES extension and expansion, there is no support for businesses and households for which the CIS will provide no direct support.

Noting also, the federal Safeguard Mechanism covers the first 215 sites and there is no policy mechanism to drive gas reduction for enterprises not covered by the Safeguard.

The ESIA is completing an analysis of the positive contribution of existing energy schemes to a significant reduction in annual electricity consumption in peak demand reduction in Australia. The ESIA looks forward to sharing its ESIA energy savings schemes industry report 2024 with the CCA in the coming weeks.




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